copying formatting

  • Thread starter Thread starter liz
  • Start date Start date


I have a numbe of tables of differnt sizes all in the
same document. I would like to make all the tables the
same size and the same autoformat. Is there any way to do
this quickly rather than one at a time.



If the tables are on separate worksheets, you can group the sheets by
selecting first sheet tab and "select all sheets".

Do your formatting on sheet one and other sheets will be formatted the same.

If tables are on the same worksheet, it gets more complicated.

Post back with your layout.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP
The tables are all in one worksheet and there are 300 of
them. It is a series of dietary meal plans. I wuld like
to standardize the ones that are already done so that
they are all the same size and formatting. In the future
is it possible to create a template for tables like this?

Many thanks for your prompt reply,


Without seeing the layout, it would hard to advise.

A macro to copy the formats from one table to the next comes to mind.

Copy a subset of your tables sheet with 3 or 4 representative tables to a new
workbook and send it to me.

Change the <AT> and <DOT> to get my email address.
