Copying embedded mysic FROM powerpoint

  • Thread starter Thread starter anonymous
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Someone sent me a powerpoint presentation with the embedded music (as far as
I understand). Is there a way for me to download the embedded music from the
powerpoint presentation onto my PC?

Thank you.
If you save the PowerPoint as a Web Page (.html, not .mht), then it will
create a folder of all music and pictures, each of which will be an
individual file.

anonymous said:
Someone sent me a powerpoint presentation with the embedded music (as far
I understand). Is there a way for me to download the embedded music from
powerpoint presentation onto my PC?

save the file as HTML. Powerpoint creates a folder with the name of the
presentation. In this folder you will find a lot of files for the slides,
for embedded pictures and the file for the music. Look for files with the
extension WAV.
Thank you for this suggestion. Where would I find the folder that is created
once I save the file as html?
Thank you for your suggestion. Where would I find the folder that is created
once I save the file as html?
It will be in the same place you save the HTML file. For example, if you
choose Save As from the File menu and choose HTML as the SAVE AS type,
and then you choose to save it to My Documents with the name
MyMusicalPresentation.html, you will find a folder in My Documents with
the name (something like) MyMusicalPresentation_Files.
Thanks again. However the folder is not created. Does it mean that the music
is not embedded by only linked?
That is unlikely because the folder would not just contain the music.
The more likely explanation is that you have created a .mht file (single
page Web page) rather than a .htm file. Be sure you are saving as a .htm
file, and you will get the folder.
I guess I am doing something wrong while saving the file. When I save the
file, I am just changing the extention to html. The "Save as type:" field
gives me only "All Files (*.*) option. Is that the problem?
AFAIK the save as dialogue never says 'all files'...

Try this:
Open the ppt
Press f12 on your keyboard
Select a location to save the file (e.g. desktop)
Click the drop down next to 'save as type'
Select htm, html (3rd option for me)
Click 'Save'

Did that work? On the dialogue box, what does it say at the top?
