Perhaps you'd also like to play around
with this formula approach as well ?
Assume you have the table below in Sheet1,
col headers in row1, data in row2 down
where the key "TotalQty" col is in col B
Item TotalQty <etc>
1111 1
1112 0
1113 1
1114 0
1115 1
In an empty col to the right, say col K?
Put in K2: =IF(B2<>0,ROW(),"")
Copy K2 down by as many rows as data is expected
in the table, say, down to K1000?
(can copy down ahead of expected data input)
In Sheet2
With the same col headers in row1:
Item TotalQty <etc>
Put in A2:
Copy A2 across by as many cols as there is in the table in Sheet1, then fill
down by as many rows as was done in col K in Sheet1, i.e. down by 1000 rows
Sheet2 will return only the rows from the table in Sheet1 where the
"TotalQty" col is <> 0, and doing so without any "blank" rows in-between
For the sample data given, you'll get:
Item TotalQty <etc>
1111 1
1113 1
1115 1
(Rows for Items 1112 and 1114 will not show)