Copying data from one record to another

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill
  • Start date Start date


I posted this in the general discussion group but no
takers, hope someone here can help me. Thanks:

How would I go about copying records from a "parent" to
a "child" record. There's been a recent change in
procedures whereby a PRODUCT can be processed up to
certain point and then it can be split into child PRODUCTS.
The data collected up to this point from the parent needs
to be inherited by the child and added as a new PRODUCTID
in the Products table. This needs to be a seamless type of
activity for the user. If I create a form for "splitting"
a Product, is it possible to enter the new ProductID and
the ParentID and then have a query pull the parent history
and append this new info to the PRODUCTS table. Would that
require extensive VBA knowledge? Some detailed help would
be greatly appreciated, I'm feeling overwhelmed by this.
well, if you enter a new ProductID and a ParentID, that's creating a new
record. at that point you'd need an Update query, not an Append query. i
tested out a simple method, and i can think of another (that i didn't test)
but i can't think how to explain either one without writing a book. if you
want to see my examples, post your email address (beware the spam miners)
and i'll send them to you in a zip file - A2000 or A97, your choice.
okay, i'll send them along shortly, in A2000. just to verify, i remove the
characters removethis2 from your address, including the 2?
Leave the 2.
-----Original Message-----
okay, i'll send them along shortly, in A2000. just to verify, i remove the
characters removethis2 from your address, including the 2?
