To do a quick backup of the current state of the C: drive, I did a
mkdir d:\copy_s
XCOPY C:\ D:\copy_c /s
To my surprise, two things happened:
- After copying tons of files, I get the message "sharing violation"
after XCOPY
printed the filename c:\windows\system32\config\default
- Although I can CD in a command shell to d:\copy_c, that directory
was not visible
in the Windows Explorer wenn doing a
dir d:\
Only after I enabled "show system files" for the browser, the
directory was visible.
Why did I get a sharing violation?
Why is the directory which I created, treated as a "system" file?
BTW, doing a
attrib d:\copy_c
shows the attributes
which, I guess, mean "archived" and "shared"....
mkdir d:\copy_s
XCOPY C:\ D:\copy_c /s
To my surprise, two things happened:
- After copying tons of files, I get the message "sharing violation"
after XCOPY
printed the filename c:\windows\system32\config\default
- Although I can CD in a command shell to d:\copy_c, that directory
was not visible
in the Windows Explorer wenn doing a
dir d:\
Only after I enabled "show system files" for the browser, the
directory was visible.
Why did I get a sharing violation?
Why is the directory which I created, treated as a "system" file?
BTW, doing a
attrib d:\copy_c
shows the attributes
which, I guess, mean "archived" and "shared"....