Assuming that your tables are tied to forms via the RecordSource property and
the form is used in DataEntry mode to create the subsequent records, I can
offer this suggestion.
The autonumber field of Table1 is named something like "Table1ID". This is
the Primary Key.
Create a field in Table2 named "Table1ID" but it is a long integer - not an
autonumber. This is known as the Foreign Key.
Now the problem that I understand is how the Primary Key is transferred to
the Foreign Key of Table2. This way that I typically accomplish this is to
create Form2 with RecordSource tied to Table2. Form2 has a not visible field
named "Table1ID". The objective is to set the DefaultValue of the Table1ID
field on Form2 to the appropriate value from Table1.
When Form2 is opened in DataEntry mode (presumably from Form1) the Primary
Key is transferred to Form2 by either setting a public variable to the value
of the Primary Key or by sending the Primary Key to Form2 via the OpenArgs
part of the OpenForm command.
DoCmd.OpenForm "Form2", , , , , , Table1ID
On the On Open event of Form2 use either the Public Variable or the OpenArgs
data to load the DefaultValue of Table1ID on Form2.
Me.Table1ID.DefaultValue = Me.OpenArgs
or if using a public variable something like
Me.Table1ID.DefaultValue = lngTable1ID
This will transfer the Primary Key of Form1 to the Foreign Key of Form2 on
close if Form2 is in DataEntry mode and any information is entered by the
user into Form2.
Hope this helps.