copying a range of cells

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I'm trying to copy a range of cells from one spreadsheet to another. How do
I specify the range such as "A1:C5" if I only know the ending column number -
How do I find out the column index - whether it is column C or D, etc.
Please scroll down to where I've 'now to find #of valid rows in worksheet -
to see where I'm experiencing trouble. Here's my code:

Sub Compute_Net(fname1)
Dim f, fs, fc As Object, hdir As String, gfile As String, m_id As String,
y_id As String, incr As Integer
Dim sheet_num As Integer, hfile As Long, start_row As Integer, end_row As
Integer, col_id As Integer, row_num As Integer
Dim mydb As Database
Dim start_cell As Column, end_cell As Column, start_cell_name As String,
end_cell_name As String

'create an object for browsing folders
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'hdir = "M:\Demand Planning\Logility\2006\"
hdir = "C:\"

Set f = fs.getfolder(hdir)
Set fc = f.files
'Files collection
gfile = fname1

'Create an Excel object
Set xlapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlapp.Visible = True
xlapp.DisplayAlerts = False
Set wbook = xlapp.Workbooks.Open(gfile) 'open the Excel workbook
containing the correct file
hfile = FreeFile

sheet_num = 1
row_num = 1
start_row = 1
Set sh1 = wbook.Worksheets(sheet_num)
sh1.Name = "Gross"
wbook.Worksheets.Add After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
sheet_num = sheet_num + 1
Set sh2 = wbook.Worksheets(sheet_num)
sh2.Name = "Net"

y_id = "20" & mid(fname1, 6, 2) 'year id
m_id = DatePart("m", Now()) 'month id
If (y_id = "2007") Then
m_id = m_id - 1 'the last month when NS data is available
col_id = m_id + 5 'column # from when the forecast has to be netted down

'now to find #of valid rows in worksheet

Do Until (Len(sh1.Cells(row_num, 1)) < 1)
row_num = row_num + 1
end_row = row_num - 1

'To Copy a range
sh2.Cells(1, 1).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll 'copy header line - This works
sh1.Range(Cells(2, 1), Cells(end_row, col_id)).Copy 'Problem with this
sh2.Cells.Range(2, 1).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll

End Sub

Thanks in advance for your help!
I'm trying to copy a range of cells from one spreadsheet to another. How do
I specify the range such as "A1:C5" if I only know the ending column number -
How do I find out the column index - whether it is column C or D, etc.
Please scroll down to where I've 'now to find #of valid rows in worksheet -
to see where I'm experiencing trouble. Here's my code:

Sub Compute_Net(fname1)
Dim f, fs, fc As Object, hdir As String, gfile As String, m_id As String,
y_id As String, incr As Integer
Dim sheet_num As Integer, hfile As Long, start_row As Integer, end_row As
Integer, col_id As Integer, row_num As Integer
Dim mydb As Database
Dim start_cell As Column, end_cell As Column, start_cell_name As String,
end_cell_name As String

'create an object for browsing folders
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'hdir = "M:\Demand Planning\Logility\2006\"
hdir = "C:\"

Set f = fs.getfolder(hdir)
Set fc = f.files
'Files collection
gfile = fname1

'Create an Excel object
Set xlapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlapp.Visible = True
xlapp.DisplayAlerts = False
Set wbook = xlapp.Workbooks.Open(gfile) 'open the Excel workbook
containing the correct file
hfile = FreeFile

sheet_num = 1
row_num = 1
start_row = 1
Set sh1 = wbook.Worksheets(sheet_num)
sh1.Name = "Gross"
wbook.Worksheets.Add After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
sheet_num = sheet_num + 1
Set sh2 = wbook.Worksheets(sheet_num)
sh2.Name = "Net"

y_id = "20" & mid(fname1, 6, 2) 'year id
m_id = DatePart("m", Now()) 'month id
If (y_id = "2007") Then
m_id = m_id - 1 'the last month when NS data is available
col_id = m_id + 5 'column # from when the forecast has to be netted down

'now to find #of valid rows in worksheet

Do Until (Len(sh1.Cells(row_num, 1)) < 1)
row_num = row_num + 1
end_row = row_num - 1

'To Copy a range
sh2.Cells(1, 1).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll 'copy header line - This works
sh1.Range(Cells(2, 1), Cells(end_row, col_id)).Copy 'Problem with this
sh2.Cells.Range(2, 1).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll

End Sub

Thanks in advance for your help!

You have posted this message to the wrong newsgroup.
The access in this groups name refers to Microsoft Access, a database
Please repost to the correct newsgroup for the Excel program you are
using. I would suggest you include your Windows and Office version
number in the message.