I have a distribution list I would like to share with
another person so that she can use it in her address
book. She has either Outlook or Outlook Express and I
have Outlook. How can I give it to her so she does not
have to retype each entry? Is there a way to email it to
her and then have her add it to her address book? Is
there a way to copy it to a CD so that she can then add
it to her address book?
another person so that she can use it in her address
book. She has either Outlook or Outlook Express and I
have Outlook. How can I give it to her so she does not
have to retype each entry? Is there a way to email it to
her and then have her add it to her address book? Is
there a way to copy it to a CD so that she can then add
it to her address book?