Copy worksheets form one workbook to another ...



Hello all,

I've created a status reporting process whereby individual workbooks,
each containing a single worksheet, are forwarded to project managers
for update and then returned to me.

I have a summary workbook that contains a rollup view worksheet and a
worksheet that corresponds to each of the individual sheets updated by
the managers.

At present, I manually open each individual workbook and do a copy all
and then past it in the corresponding worksheet in the summary
workbook. The worksheet names are identical and can be used to find
the right sheet in the rollup workbook. Links to the project
worksheets on the rollup view worksheet automatically update the
status for each project on the rollup worksheet.

I would like to automate the copy and paste process. I have a macro
now that starts from the summary workbook and opens each of the
individual sheets but I'm a bit stuck on the best way to do the copy
and past process.

Can anyone help?

Lakehills Consulting


Hi CJM -

Is the format the same in both the individual workbooks and the
corresponding worksheet in your summary workbook? That is, if data
range in individual workbook is d5:Z50 is data range in summary
workbook ALSO d5:Z50?

Further, do these mgrs email back their completed files OR are they
saved to some common folder?

I may have an easy solution for you .... no manual cut/pasting req'd!



Hi Ray,

Sorry my reply took a couple of days, I was away for the weekend.

The sheets are exactly the same. Each manager makes his updates and
emails the individual sheet. I store them in a common folder I own.
The only wrinkle I forgot to mention is the individual sheets the
managers get and update are protected. They are only allowed to update
certain cells.


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