If I've 02 different forms base on 02 different tables not linked and I need
to copy one value of one in the other one.
FrmAgent.IDAgent & FrmComm.IDComm
Normally I do smething like:
After Update: Me.IDComm.Value=Me.IDAgent.Column(0)
What I need is the instruction in VBA to order the same but the problem is
that the forms have no connection or link at all!
Thanks and greeting s from Italy
If I've 02 different forms base on 02 different tables not linked and I need
to copy one value of one in the other one.
FrmAgent.IDAgent & FrmComm.IDComm
Normally I do smething like:
After Update: Me.IDComm.Value=Me.IDAgent.Column(0)
What I need is the instruction in VBA to order the same but the problem is
that the forms have no connection or link at all!
Thanks and greeting s from Italy