Further to what Jimmy stated, if you are interested in using LDIFDE you can
use your current domain to get all of the user accounts. Simply enter the
following at a command prompt on one of your DCs:
C:\>ldifde -f useraccounts.ldf -s dc1.yourdomain.com -t 389 -d
"DC=yourdomain,DC=Com" -p subtree -r "(objectClass=user)" -l
This means the following:
ldifde = the application
-f useraccounts.ldf = the file that will be created at C:\
-s dc1.yourdomain.com = the server to which you bind ( optional as it
defaults to the server on which you are running this )
-t 389 = the port number to use ( optional as it defaults to port 389 )
-d "DC=yourdomain,DC=com" = where to start your search
-r "(objectClass=user)" = to filter your search for, in this case,
-l "DN,sAMAccountName,...,telephoneNumber" = the attributes that you want
to be included in the file. There are several to consider