Copy unique values from 1 range in multiple worksheets to a list

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joshua Powell
  • Start date Start date

Joshua Powell

I have a workbook with multiple worksheets representing dates of
classes. On each worksheet it has all the class information including
participant names (B7:B20) the class date (B2) and various information
about each participant (C7:G20).

I want to create a worksheet that makes a list of all the unique
values in cells B7:B20 (the participant names) across all worksheets
in the workbook, the date they attended the class (B2 of their
respective worksheet),followed by their remaining information (c7:c20
of the respective worksheet).

Ideally this would be automatically sorted by participant name, but if
that has to be done manually that's fine.

Would like to get out of having to use Visual Basic, but if that's how
it must be done, then that's how it must be done.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!


(PS I know I Access would be able to do this easily but this is for
someone who demands this be done on excel!)
C7:G20 Should be C7:C20????

This puts the date in every other column and the notes from column C in the
following column.

Option Explicit
Sub testme01()

Dim newWks As Worksheet
Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim curWkbk As Workbook
Dim myNameAddr As String
Dim myDateAddr As String
Dim wksCtr As Long
Dim res As Variant
Dim RngToInspect As Range
Dim myCell As Range
Dim destCell As Range
Dim iCol As Long

myNameAddr = "B7:B20"
myDateAddr = "B2"

Set curWkbk = ActiveWorkbook
Set newWks = Workbooks.Add(1).Worksheets(1)

wksCtr = 0
For Each wks In curWkbk.Worksheets
wksCtr = wksCtr + 1
Set RngToInspect = wks.Range(myNameAddr)
If wksCtr = 1 Then
newWks.Range("a1").Resize(RngToInspect.Rows.Count, 1).Value _
= wks.Range(myNameAddr).Value
newWks.Range("b1").Resize(RngToInspect.Rows.Count, 1).Value _
= wks.Range(myDateAddr).Value
newWks.Range("C1").Resize(RngToInspect.Rows.Count, 1).Value _
= wks.Range(myNameAddr).Offset(0, 1).Value
For Each myCell In RngToInspect.Cells
If Trim(myCell.Value) = "" Then
'do nothing
res = Application.Match(myCell.Value, _
newWks.Range("a:a"), 0)
If IsError(res) Then
'new name
With newWks
Set destCell = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A") _
.End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
End With
destCell.Value = myCell.Value
Set destCell = newWks.Range("a:a")(res)
End If
destCell.Offset(0, (wksCtr * 2) - 1).Value _
= wks.Range(myDateAddr)
destCell.Offset(0, wksCtr * 2).Value _
= myCell.Offset(0, 1).Value
End If
Next myCell
End If
Next wks

With newWks
For iCol = 2 To .Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column Step 2
.Columns(iCol).NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy"
Next iCol
.UsedRange.Sort key1:=.Range("a1"), order1:=xlAscending, header:=xlNo
End With

End Sub

Thank you so much for taking the effort to solve this problem for me.
(I assume though that you also get a geeky thrill from challenges like
this, but unlike me you know how to solve them!). I spent a long time
pouring over the code you sent trying to interpret it. I can get by
writing / reading code for Access but in Excel I fall short.

To my initial request you provided an awesome solution, but as these
things always go, the request has changed and I am still left
dumbfounded. The request has changed such that I've had to
incorporate three new fields, and need to create three different lists
of participants depending on what criterium they meet per those

Note: In my first post I had an inconsistancy whether participants
remaining info was in C7:C20 or C7:G20. The correct range was C7:G20.
Now there's more info so this range has expanded to C7:L20.


I have:
Date Field (B2)
Participant Names (B7:B20)
Participant Info (C7:L20)
each column is described now...
C7:C20 = Member (Yes or No)
D7:D20 = Phone Numbers
E7:E20 = (field merged with D7:D20)
F7:F20 = Email
G7:G20 = (field merged with F7:20)
H7:H20 = Discount given
I7:I20 = Amount Owed (Calculated by cost of class - discount given)
J7:J20 = Amt. Paid
K7:K20 = Amt. Still Due (Amt. Owed - Amt. Paid)
L7:L20 = Signed Use Agreement Date

So what I need to do is create lists like you gave me before that give
me the following results.

Criterium: (basically they've paid up and signed the agreement)
L7:L20 is not blank ("Signed Use Agreement Date" field has a date in
K7:K20 = 0 (Amt. Still Due = 0)

So I need:
A list of all Participant Names (B7:B20) who meet those two criterium
A list of all Participant Names and contact info (B7:G20) that meet
those two criterium
A list of all information (B7:L20) for those that do not meet either
of those criterium
But couldn't you have participants that meet the criterion on some worksheets,
but not on other worksheets?

So they could be paid up for class #1, but in the rears for class #7?

If I were doing this for myself, I'd put all the data for all the classes in one
giant worksheet.

The stuff that sounds like it should be common would appear once:

B7:b20 = Participant Names
C7:C20 = Member (Yes or No)
D7:D20 = Phone Numbers
F7:F20 = Email

But the stuff that could change would have dedicated columns per

H7:H20 = Discount given
I7:I20 = Amount Owed (Calculated by cost of class - discount given)
J7:J20 = Amt. Paid
K7:K20 = Amt. Still Due (Amt. Owed - Amt. Paid)
L7:L20 = Signed Use Agreement Date
B2 = Date

Then by having all the data in one worksheet, I could add any formula that I
want (count all the amount still due, count the signed aggreement fields). Then
I could filter by those columns to get my individual reports (and I'd hide any
columns that I didn't want to see before I printed).

Here's where it gets ugly! Some of the offsets are hardcoded or depend on the
number of fields that go into each category--a lot of those offsets were trial
and error to get it in the right spot!

Option Explicit
Sub testme02()

Dim newWks As Worksheet
Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim curWkbk As Workbook
Dim myNameAddr As String
Dim myDateAddr As String
Dim wksCtr As Long
Dim res As Variant
Dim RngToInspect As Range
Dim myCell As Range
Dim destCell As Range
Dim iCol As Long
Dim TotalClasses As Long
Dim myHeaders() As String
Dim iCtr As Long
Dim myDetails As Variant
Dim VariableColumns As Variant

myNameAddr = "B7:B20"
myDateAddr = "B2"

myDetails = Array("Discount", "Owed", "Paid", "Due", "Date Signed", "Date")

Set curWkbk = ActiveWorkbook
TotalClasses = curWkbk.Worksheets.Count

ReDim myHeaders(0 To TotalClasses - 1)
iCtr = 0
For Each wks In curWkbk.Worksheets
myHeaders(iCtr) = wks.Name
iCtr = iCtr + 1
Next wks
VariableColumns = Array("h", "i", "j", "k", "l")

Set newWks = Workbooks.Add(1).Worksheets(1)
With newWks
.Range("a2:d2").Value _
= Array("Name", "Member", "Phone", "Email")
'0 to 5 for columns HIJKL & B2 make 6 columns
For iCtr = LBound(myDetails) To UBound(myDetails)
.Cells(1, 5 + iCtr * TotalClasses).Resize(1, TotalClasses).Value _
= myDetails(iCtr)
.Cells(2, 5 + iCtr * TotalClasses).Resize(1, TotalClasses).Value _
= myHeaders
Next iCtr
End With

wksCtr = 0
For Each wks In curWkbk.Worksheets
'columns B, C, D, F get copied once.
wksCtr = wksCtr + 1
Set RngToInspect = wks.Range(myNameAddr)
If wksCtr = 1 Then
newWks.Range("a3").Resize(RngToInspect.Rows.Count, 1).Value _
= wks.Range(myNameAddr).Value
newWks.Range("B3").Resize(RngToInspect.Rows.Count, 1).Value _
= wks.Range(myNameAddr).Offset(0, 1).Value
newWks.Range("c3").Resize(RngToInspect.Rows.Count, 1).Value _
= wks.Range(myNameAddr).Offset(0, 2).Value
newWks.Range("d3").Resize(RngToInspect.Rows.Count, 1).Value _
= wks.Range(myNameAddr).Offset(0, 4).Value
End If

'columns h, i, j, k, l, and B2 get copied always
For Each myCell In RngToInspect.Cells
If Trim(myCell.Value) = "" Then
'do nothing
res = Application.Match(myCell.Value, _
newWks.Range("a:a"), 0)
If IsError(res) Then
'new name
With newWks
Set destCell = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A") _
.End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
End With
'move in non-variable stuff
destCell.Value = myCell.Value
destCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = myCell.Offset(0, 1).Value
destCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = myCell.Offset(0, 2).Value
'skip a column
destCell.Offset(0, 3).Value = myCell.Offset(0, 4).Value
Set destCell = newWks.Range("a:a")(res)
End If
'move date from B2
newWks.Cells(destCell.Row, _
wksCtr - 1 + 5 + 5 * TotalClasses).Value _
= wks.Range(myDateAddr)
For iCtr = LBound(VariableColumns) To UBound(VariableColumns)
newWks.Cells(destCell.Row, _
(wksCtr - 1) + 5 + (iCtr * TotalClasses)).Value _
= wks.Cells(myCell.Row, VariableColumns(iCtr)).Value
Next iCtr

End If
Next myCell

Next wks

With newWks
.Range(.Cells(1, 5 + 4 * TotalClasses), _
.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)).EntireColumn.NumberFormat _
= "mm/dd/yyyy"
.Range("a2", .Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)).Sort _
key1:=.Range("a2"), order1:=xlAscending, header:=xlYes
End With

End Sub

After running this macro, I'd insert a few columns that you could filter on

would give the number of cells with values (like signatures)

=if(countif(yourrangehere,">0")=0,"all paid","still owe some")
for determining if people still owe.

By putting the data in one worksheet, things should become easier!