Copy text results in unwanted entries in Document map and TOC

  • Thread starter Thread starter Menl
  • Start date Start date


After migrating to Word 2007 we have the problem that when we select some
auto-generated text from a different program and paste it in another word
document it generates a lot of entries in the document map. I tried all I
could think of. I'll list the things I learned so you can maybe get a better
idea of whats going on.
- There are a lot of unwanted entries
- These entries are not coupled to a single style.
- These entries are not coupled or derived from a Heading style
- These entries are not influenced by the show level in the outline view
- In Office 2003 it works great
- When inserting the TOC and clicking options and deselecting the second
checkbox (just below the styles, sorry different language version here, so I
don't have the exact English caption) these entries don't show up in the TOC
but are still there in the outline.

It looks like Word does some auto formatting while pasting. How can you
prevent this. Any ideas are welcome.
Office button > Paste > Paste Special > Unformatted Text

You can put this command on your QAT (Quick Access Toolbar) -- right-
click on the command.
Unformatted text won't be OK as I need the formatting. It should just avoid
getting it into the document map.

I dug a bit deeper and found that the document map entries are entered when
exporting this text from another program. In Word 2003 these entries are not
created only in Word 2007.

I can get the entries to dissapear by reapplying the standard format, but as
most entries use a different style, this is quite a lot of work.

So there are two approaches:
- Preventing the creation of these entries in the first place
- Removing these entries while not removing the formatting. These entries
don't have the same format so selecting by format and then change it doesn't

Any additional ideas are very welcome

You can try the macro in the referenced article to clear the outline levels
from the pasted text paragraphs.
It is solved now. It had to do with direct formatting. Apparently this
created all the entries in the document map. By selecting all (CTRL-A) and
the pressing CTRL-Q all this formatting is removed and the list is emtied
while retaining all the layout formatting (bold, font, size etc)

Found it in the link higher up in this thread.

So thanks!!
As you have noticed, this is all explained in the article I linked to in my
first post.