Copy Table from Dataset to New Database

  • Thread starter Thread starter james
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I have searched until I cannot see straight anymore. ( I know, I have said that before) And have found all kinds of solutions
that just did not fit. I want to loop thru the data rows in a table in an in-memory dataset and copy the data to a new table in
a new Access database.
The empty table in the database has all the column names, Data types and Field sizes already set. All I need to do is copy the
contents of the in-memory table (from the dataset) to the new table.
The problem is, I am creating not just one new database, but, 63 new databases with single tables in them. I can create the new
table(s) "on the fly" and save the new , empty table to the new database created with ADOX. But, I cannot find a simple way to
copy the table from the in-memory dataset to the new table. Any suggestions on how to build a "generic" routine to copy one
table to another would greatly be appreciated.
james said:
I have searched until I cannot see straight anymore. ( I know, I have said
that before) And have found all kinds of solutions that just did not fit.
I want to loop thru the data rows in a table in an in-memory dataset and
copy the data to a new table in a new Access database.
The empty table in the database has all the column names, Data types and
Field sizes already set. All I need to do is copy the contents of the
in-memory table (from the dataset) to the new table.
The problem is, I am creating not just one new database, but, 63 new
databases with single tables in them. I can create the new table(s) "on
the fly" and save the new , empty table to the new database created with
ADOX. But, I cannot find a simple way to copy the table from the
in-memory dataset to the new table. Any suggestions on how to build a
"generic" routine to copy one table to another would greatly be
Create a select command against your new table, and then use a DataAdapter
with a CommandBuilder to automagically flush your DataTable.


OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("select * from myTable",con);
OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd);
OleDbCommandBuilder cb = new OleDbCommandBuilder(da);
DataTable dt = . . . ;

Thank you David for the info. I guess there is no simple way to do what I am wanting to do.
What I actually need to do is copy the DATA from the table that is in memory and insert it into the new database which has a
prebuilt table that matches the in-memory table. (Column Header Names etc.)
As I stated, I have 63 different databases with single tables in them. And each database and table, has different schema
(Column Header names, Field types & Field sizes). What I have done so far is, to
load CSV files built from the old databases and use those to build the new Access Databases, minus the actual data. ( I could
find no way using ADOX to add the data along with the new table(s) and it's schema) So, I have been trying to add the data
after building the table(s) using OleDB commands.
The data exists in a table in a dataset called : objdataset1.
Here is what I have done so far:

This routine builds the actual database and table from the in=memory dataset:

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click

Dim lngIndex As Long

With SaveFileDialog1

..Filter = "Access Database(*.mdb)|*.mdb"

End With


Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog

Dim tbl As New ADOX.Table

Dim col As New ADOX.Column

Dim dr As DataRow

Dim colcount As Integer

Dim mycol As Column

Dim x As Integer 'for column count

Dim y As Integer ' for row count

Dim mytype As Type

cat.Create("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _

"Data Source=" & SaveFileDialog1.FileName)

tbl.Name = txtDbName.Text


''counts columns in dataset

colcount = objDataset1.Tables(0).Columns.Count

lngIndex = colcount

mytype = objDataset1.Tables(0).Columns.GetType

TextBox1.Text = colcount.ToString

For x = 0 To colcount - 1

col = New ADOX.Column

' sets each column's name in the new database

col.Name = objDataset1.Tables(0).Columns(x).ColumnName '.ToString

If col.Name = "RECNUM" Then

col.Type = DataTypeEnum.adInteger

col.DefinedSize = 50

col.ParentCatalog = cat

ElseIf col.Name = "CLIENTID" Then

col.Type = DataTypeEnum.adInteger

col.DefinedSize = 50

ElseIf col.Name = "REFID" Then

col.Type = DataTypeEnum.adInteger

col.DefinedSize = 50

ElseIf col.Name = "RECORDID" Then

col.Type = DataTypeEnum.adInteger

col.DefinedSize = 50

ElseIf col.Name = "NOTES" Then

col.Type = DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar

col.DefinedSize = 255

col.Attributes = ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable

ElseIf col.Name = "MAKE" Then

col.Type = DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar

col.DefinedSize = 255

col.Attributes = ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable

ElseIf Not col.Name = "" Then

col.Type = DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar

col.DefinedSize = 255

col.Attributes = ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable

End If


'trying to add data to table below



End Sub

Here is the seperate routine I am working on (and having no success) to add the data to the new database and table:

Private Sub btnAddData_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddData.Click


Dim mytbl As String

mytbl = txtDbName.Text

Dim dsTable As String

dsTable = objDataset1.Tables(0).TableName

With OpenFileDialog1

..Filter = "Access Database(*.mdb)|*.mdb"

End With


conn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Password="""";User ID=Admin;Data Source=" +
OpenFileDialog1.FileName + ";Mode=ReadWrite")


If conn.State.ToString() = "Open" Then

comm = New OleDbCommand("INSERT * INTO mytbl FROM dsTable", conn)

da = New OleDbDataAdapter(comm)

ds = New DataSet(mytbl)

da.AcceptChangesDuringFill = False

Dim dr As DataRow

Dim aCol As Integer

Dim bRow As Integer

Dim i As Integer

Dim j As Integer

Dim myrow As DataRow

bRow = objDataset1.Tables(0).Rows.Count

aCol = objDataset1.Tables(0).Columns.Count

For i = 0 To objDataset1.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1

For j = 0 To objDataset1.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1

myrow = ds.Tables(mytbl).NewRow() ' THIS IS WHERE THE ERROR IS THROWN

Dim cellValue As Object = Me.DataGrid1(i, j)

myrow.Item(j) = cellValue.ToString




End If


da.Update(ds, mytbl)


Catch oledbe As OleDbException


End Try

MessageBox.Show("Record Added")

End Sub

And of course, it fails at: myrow = ds.Tables(mytbl).NewRow()

with this error message:

Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

The table mytbl is the name of the table in the new database that I am trying to add the data to. So, I don't understand why it
is throwing an error. And dsTable is the table in the dataset,,, objDataset1.Tables(0) that is in memory and also displayed in
a datagrid on my form.

It looks like I will need to generate a new INSERT statement for each database that I create and load, on the fly. But, I am
lost as to how to go about that. And since the field names etc. can vary, it gets even more complicated. Maybe, I should just
be happy and allow Access to do all the hard work instead of trying to build my own import routine.
