Use a macro. Use the macro recorder to copy the values
across to the second sheet. Re-run the macro as needed.
If you want the macro to automatically update every time
you change the original worksheet, use the following
macro example:
Public Sub Auto_Open()
Worksheets("sheet1").OnEntry = "CopyValues"
end sub
Public Sub CopyValues()
Macrostuff that does the copying you need
end sub
The auto_open macro runs at the open of the workbook.
The OnEntry function calls the macro CopyValues every
time you change a cell value in sheet1 (you can refine
this by running it against a named range, also). Note:
the OnEntry function is /not/ triggered when values are
pasted into the worksheet. If you modify the data by
pasting it in, you'll have to manually trigger the macro.
Hope this helps
-----Original Message-----
Is it possible to have a cell or range of cells on one
worksheet refer back to a range of cells on another page,
to copy the text in the second page and then remove the
formula that performed this task?