Copy & Paste on same day of each month



I have a sheet (named "LookupLists") listing some Products, a day of
the month, and unit costs in adjacent columns.
Each month when that particular day of the month arrives, i wish to
copy the appropriate cells, and paste into a sheet called "pm" adding
the data to the bottom of the list.

Is there a way to automate this?
So when the file is opened, this procedure runs, and it checks the
dates, and copies accordingly?

A thought...What about if the File is not opened when a day of the
month comes and goes? If the file is opened, say tomorrow, and a
product should have been copied today, could it copy that too,
ensuring that it hasn't copied & pasted it already?

Preciate your help on this one.


Per Jessen

Hi Mik

Need some additional information:

Will LookupLists only have data for a particular month, (dd) or is the day
in the format (dd-mm)?

Which column has the day to find?

Will the workbook only be opened once a day, or do we need to check if the
user wants to update it.
Do you want to look back more than one day to ensure all data has been


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