I use 2 computers (1 running Vista SP2, the other running XP SP3) from
home to remotely connect to my work server. I use a Citrix
Presentation Server Client to accomplish this. Once connected, I run
several programs including MS Office 2003. The XP machine is fine, but
the Vista machine gives me fits. The main problem is that I cannot
copy/paste on the Vista machine from the Citrix server app I am using
to Word-within-Citrix. No matter how many times I press Print Screen,
it acts as it there is nothing available to paste and the Paste
function on the Edit menu is grayed out. In fact, I know there is
something there to paste because I can paste it to other apps running
on my local machine-not the server.
So the question is-what would prevent this process from working
properly in Vista when it works fine in XP? Thanks for any
home to remotely connect to my work server. I use a Citrix
Presentation Server Client to accomplish this. Once connected, I run
several programs including MS Office 2003. The XP machine is fine, but
the Vista machine gives me fits. The main problem is that I cannot
copy/paste on the Vista machine from the Citrix server app I am using
to Word-within-Citrix. No matter how many times I press Print Screen,
it acts as it there is nothing available to paste and the Paste
function on the Edit menu is grayed out. In fact, I know there is
something there to paste because I can paste it to other apps running
on my local machine-not the server.
So the question is-what would prevent this process from working
properly in Vista when it works fine in XP? Thanks for any