Copy/Paste Files not working...

  • Thread starter Thread starter mccabetc
  • Start date Start date


From Windows Explorer (or any other way), if I select a
file, right-click on "Copy", go to another location
(folder, drive, etc...), and right-click on "Paste", all I
get is an error message sound (PLIM!). The file does not
get pasted, and an error message is not displayed. I
downloaded the microsoft patches KB823980 and KB833330,
but they did not resolve the problem. I also ran spybot
and adaware on the computer to no avail. I am not sure if
this is related to this issue, but this problem started
happening after I installed in the computer a Visual Basic
application that I wrote and which needs a lot of dlls to
be able to talk to Crystal Reports and SQL Server 2000. I
uninstalled the application, but the copy/paste problem is
still happening. I am starting to feel I little hopeless
and would appreciate any help you guys could give me.
Hi, Tereza.

Paste is really for copying the CONTENTS of a file, rather than a whole
file. Use Copy/Paste, for example, to move a sentence from this message
into another post, or to a Word document, or for many other cases when you
want to move some text or a picture. It's not the best tool to copy whole

Why not just drag'n'drop your file from one location to another? Open two
Explorer windows for the From and To locations. Then either left-click or
right-click and drag from one to the other. Left-click gets the default
action (Copy or Move), depending on whether you are dragging to another
location in the same volume, or to a different volume. Move, of course,
deletes the original copy after the copy; Copy does not, leaving you with
two copies of the file. I never can remember which is which, so I usually
use right-click, which pops up a menu that lets me choose after I've made
the drag.
