Handong Chen
We have two excel files (~15 sheets each, 20-60 rows and ~30 columns each
sheet) that has been working well in 2003. Recently, we upgraded our office
to 2007. And saved these files to xlsm format. We open these two files in two
different Excel instances. When we tried to copy cells from one workbook to
the other, the destination cells become empty. If we use CTRL+Z to undo, a
msgbox pops out that says "Too many cells formats". BTW, the contents to be
copied has merged cells.
We tried to us VBA to copy all the formulas and formats of these two files
to two new files (No format was copied). The same problem happens when we try
to copy between these two files.
Please help.
sheet) that has been working well in 2003. Recently, we upgraded our office
to 2007. And saved these files to xlsm format. We open these two files in two
different Excel instances. When we tried to copy cells from one workbook to
the other, the destination cells become empty. If we use CTRL+Z to undo, a
msgbox pops out that says "Too many cells formats". BTW, the contents to be
copied has merged cells.
We tried to us VBA to copy all the formulas and formats of these two files
to two new files (No format was copied). The same problem happens when we try
to copy between these two files.
Please help.