Copy one record to another

  • Thread starter Thread starter William McFarland via
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William McFarland via

I am working on a database where computers are checked in and out by
students for repairs. On my check-in form I have the user scan the label
on their computer that calls up all of their information based on 2 tables
and a query. The check-in form that is based off the check in table needs
to keep a record of the student IDs so I have an history of what the
students are destroying, but I am unsure how to make it input the current
student id for that laptops. I have a bound control to the table called
user id and I can see the user id from the lookup but I don’t know how to
get that to input into my bounded control.
I have read your posting several times and still don't quite know what to
make of it. What is the purpose of the database? Is it to keep track of
computers or students? Are these the students' personal computers that need
repairs, or are the students learning to repair computers, or something else?
Who administers the check-in form? Is a computer assigned to a student, and
thereafter the label is associated with that student? In other words, does
the label identify the computer or the student? Does the label remain when
the student leaves? What are the two tables? Is the query based on a third
My best guess is that you need a Computers table, a Students table, and a
ComputerHistory table or something like that as a junction table. The
junction table is needed if each student can use more than one computer, and
each computer can be used by more than one student. In that case the
junction table would contain foreign key fields that relate to primary key
fields in the other tables. I won't go too far down that road, though, since
I can't figure out for sure what you're trying to do.
It is kind of complicated to explain but what I’m trying to do. Here is my
best explanation. I have about 800 students at a school who are assigned
laptops by the school. Each laptop as its own service tag that was
assigned by dell. We handle all aspects of the repairs for the laptops. I
need my database to keep track of what laptop the student were issued, when
they bring that laptop in for repairs, and what laptop they leave with.
Most of them leave with the same computer but when they have a bad system
board or cracked lcd then we swap laptops with them from our stock. We
repair the broken ones and put them back into our rolling stock. So far I
have these tables… Laptops-which keeps all the info about the system and
service tag…Students-holds the student id, class year, user name, password,
service tag assigned which is looked up from the laptops table.

I hope that helps explain things… I also have a table called Check In- I
want that table to acted as a history so I can keep track of who bring
their systems in for services. On my check in Table I have a service
number as my primary key which is a auto number, scan laptop which holds
the service tag from the student checking in…I have a field called user id
(which has caused the problems for me), and a field for them to give a
description of the problem, and a time date stamp. I setup a form which
the student scans their laptop and then it looks up their student id name
and it asked for a description of problem. I would like that form to
automatically write their student id to the user id field on that form so
my check in table show who brought in the laptop.

I hope this helps and thank you.