Thanks for the tips John.
I had tried the copying to working folder option, but tended to get
distracted and end up with too many folders and duplicated files, so for
tidiness, now keep every batch of pics in its original folder as created by
the camera software.
Similarly, making whole new folders for copies of each set of new raw files
creates its own space and filing problems, so I now only copy as and when I
want to work on a file. I might typically want to crop one file, inset it
in another as a layer and then recombine as a jpg, but still need to relate
it to the original in some way. This can make for some long file names even
when one uses similar conventions to those delineated in you reference
article: and then the png file has to be kept handy as well, even though it
does not have a thumbnail view in XP.
There is also a plethora of viewing and sorting platforms such as your
article's Picassa, which seems in my view to just multiply the opportunities
for confusion. I have found that Explorer, Windows Picture & Fax Viewer
(which I have set to open all picture files) and Photo Editor, are generally
quite adequate for my needs for most pics, but, as XP seems to break with
its own sensible filing options in putting 'copy of' at the front rather
than the back of a file name, it did seem rather a 'lapse'. Should I,
again, need to copy a whole set at once in the future though, it may come in
handy to know that one can rename by the batch.
Thanks very much,