'KopyKat' wrote:
|Just found this free download site so am going to try that.
| Anybody used it?
Let's see, you want to download a program that costs ~ $80 US at site
requires you to send your email address to get a link to the actual
site, and expect to get the program free? If this doesn't raise any
concerns on your part, you are better off not using the Internet,
sooner rather than later your chickens will come home to roost.
And for god's sake use a newsreader to post to Usenet newsgroups; the
interface you use is broken.
Phil Weldon
Thanks Phil Weldon. That is the sort of information I was hoping for
- I haven't actually done anything except look at that site and then
posted on here.
As you can gather I am new to computers, that is why I ask these silly