Copy master placeholder to slide

  • Thread starter Thread starter Fred
  • Start date Start date


Hi there,

My aim is to use the formatting of the PlaceholderBody from the
SlideMaster in textboxes on slides, so that the formatting is the same
all over the textboxes used.

So, I copied the PlaceholderBody and pasted it to the slide. Now I have
another placeholder on the slide, but it's not visible in presentation
mode nor in printing.

Has anyone an idea?

Here's the code:
ActiveWindow.ViewType = ppViewSlideMaster
With ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.Shapes
End With
ActiveWindow.ViewType = ppViewSlide
ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Visible = msoTrue

Thanx in advance.


that's a good idea. However, it is a little too risky, because it's too
easy to change the autoshape default, and then I need either to define
it everytime I want to use it which doesn't really makes sense to me.
Yes, I know that there can be only one placeholderbody on a slide. (I
have ppt 2003). That's what I am curious about: why does the vba paste
it as placeholder on the slide on the same position. But when I
copy/paste it manually it get's offset and becomes a normal textbox.

Is there a way to paste the placeholder as textbox?

Hi there,
here's the trick that does the job:
Going from the fact that copying "Rectangle 3" from the SlideMaster
works manually and copying the PlaceholderBody from the Master doesn't
I went the following way:
Get the name of the PlaceholderBody from the SlideMaster
Goto the Slidemaster and copy the Placeholder as a shape and not as
Placeholder will do
Here's the code:

Dim Shapelist() As String
ReDim Preserve Shapelist(1 To 1)
Shapelist(1) =
ActiveWindow.ViewType = ppViewSlideMaster
ActiveWindow.ViewType = ppViewNormal

Regards to all the programmers