Yes, that is exactly how I interpret your problem.
If you need to have the Contacts in the Public Folder copied to the local
Contacts folder automatically on Outlook startup, this can definitely be
done. However, the code would have to compare a small to large amount of
Contact properties between the two folders to determine whether a copy exists
already, otherwise duplicates would be constanty created if you just called
the ContactItem.Copy method. Not to worry though, as the FileAs or FullName
properties could generally be used to compare a pair of Contacts.
Anyway, below is a draft of some code that could do what you need. For more
information on distributing macros, see:
Visual Basic and VBA Coding in Microsoft Outlook:
If you want to run this automatically on startup, providing you know the
unique EntryID and StoreID properties of the Public Contacts Folder that you
are copying from, then call the SynchronizeContacts procedure in the
Application_Startup event; otherwise create a custom toolbar button to launch
the SynchronizeContacts macro on demand.
Private Sub Application_Startup()
End Sub
Sub SynchronizeContacts()
On Error Resume Next
Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim objPublicContactsFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim objPrivateContactsFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Set objNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
'Get a handle to the local Contacts folder
'Set objPrivateContactsFolder =
'Or choose the folder manually
Set objPrivateContactsFolder = objNS.PickFolder
'You need to pass the EntryID and StoreID values of the Public Contact
'that appointments will be copied to as arguments to the GetFolderFromID
'Set objPublicContactsFolder = objNS.GetFolderFromID("", "")
'Or choose the folder manually
Set objPublicContactsFolder = objNS.PickFolder
CopyContactsBetweenFolders objPublicContactsFolder,
Set objPrivateContactsFolder = Nothing
Set objPublicContactsFolder = Nothing
End Sub
Sub CopyContactsBetweenFolders(SourceFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder,
DestinationFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder)
On Error GoTo CopyContactsBetweenFolders_Error
Dim objItem As Object, objItems As Outlook.Items
Dim objSourceItem As Outlook.ContactItem
Dim objDestinationItems As Outlook.Items, objDestinationItem As
Dim objNewItem As Outlook.ContactItem
If SourceFolder.DefaultItemType <> olContactItem Or
DestinationFolder.DefaultItemType <> olContactItem Then
MsgBox "You must specify a Contacts folder.", vbOKOnly +
vbExclamation, "Invalid Folder"
Exit Sub
End If
For Each objItem In SourceFolder.Items
If objItem.Class <> olDistributionList Then
Set objSourceItem = objItem
Set objItems = DestinationFolder.Items
Set objDestinationItems = objItems.Restrict("[FullName] = '" &
objSourceItem.FullName & "'")
If objDestinationItems.Count = 0 Then
'Contact doesn't exist, copy
Set objNewItem = objSourceItem.Copy
objNewItem.Move DestinationFolder
'Contact exists; delete and copy
If objDestinationItems.Count > 1 Then
'Multiple copies! Delete them all?
Set objDestinationItem = objDestinationItems.Item(1)
Set objNewItem = objSourceItem.Copy
objNewItem.Move DestinationFolder
End If
End If
End If
Set objItem = Nothing
Set objItems = Nothing
Set objSourceItem = Nothing
Set objDestinationItem = Nothing
Set objDestinationItems = Nothing
Set objNewItem = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in
procedure CopyContactsBetweenFolders of Class Module clsCopyContacts"
Resume Next
End If
End Sub
Eric Legault - B.A, MCP, MCSD, Outlook MVP
Try Picture Attachments Wizard for Outlook!
Steve said:
Thanks for your detailed reply.
Perhaps I'm not explaining my problem very well. The problem I have got is
1) The 3rd party application my company uses will only scan the personal
contacts folder (eg. labelled contacts in outlook 2003)
2) All clients use the public address book for all contact information, can
edit/delete/add conatcts and we therefore have to keep manually copying the
public contacts folder into the personal contacts folder everytime a change
is made.
3) I am looking for automated method. eg. everytime outlook is launched on a
client machine or a macro button is clicked, the most up to date public
address book is copied into the personal contacts.
All the computers are permanently connected to exchange and would not
require to view information if offline.
look 2003 cannot synchronize the public folder with a personal folder
I would like to create a macro to copy the public contacts folder (or all
entries within) to a new folder on my local contacts on a regular basis to
ensure the contacts are always up to date. The reason I need to do this is
because of a 3rd party communications application that will only recognise
locally stored personal conatcts.
Any help is appreciated.