You have not stated your requirements, you have only hinted at them.
You say that you are trying to "automatically relay information displayed on
an HTML page" - Define "relay." What is the environment? Is the program
you're writing on the same machine as the browser displaying the web page?
Is it across a network?Where is the actual web page located? And what is
this mysterious "information" that you want to "relay?" Is it HTML? Browser
settings? Perhaps the size of the browser window? Actually, I'm getting
ahead of myself. You never did mention a browser, only an "HTML page." So,
are you trying to extract text out of an HTML document (which is a text
file)? Or what?
Here's what to do next: Define your problem, first to yourself. Programming
is all about problem-solving, and the first and most important step in
problem solving is to identify the problem, analyze the pieces of the
problem, break it down into an exact set of requirements. Then, define it to
us in terms that we can understand. That is, don't assume that we know what
you're looking at or talking about. Don't even assume that we think the same
way you do (many of us do not). Use exact language to describe the exact
requirements. Then we can make suggestions.
Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
Chicken Salad Surgery
It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken salad.