copy formulas from previous line

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wilfried
  • Start date Start date


A simple quesrtion, I hope:
how can I make excel copy the formulas from the previous row when I start a
new line?

What I have now is that I have to copy the formula by hand. When I take the
grip and pull it down the formula is copied, but in all the cells of the
column appears already a value. That's not a nice sight. Can you help me?

Regards from Belgium.
what formulas are you using currently?. Normally you can use formulas
to show a result only if cell A1 is filled
No !? How does it work?

Ken Wright said:
Have you considered Data / Form?

Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03

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It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :-)
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Thanks. That's already one problem solved.

Remains the problem of the copying form the previous row.

Thanks for all the advice, but this is not wat i'm looking for.

There must be a way to do this automaticaly. In my spredsheet i have 4
columns with calculate content. When I start a new row, as soon as I fill in
a value in a certain colomn (e.g. B5 if I started row 5), the value in some
other columns is calculated. But as long as nothing is filled in, there's no
sign of a formula in the other columns. So it has to be copied automaticaly.

How do you do this ?

If you're using MacXL, or WinXL03, use the List Manager. You can define
calculated columns. Whenever you fill in a value in the new record row,
the calculated columns' formulae are filled in. In addition, autofilter,
conditional formatting and validation is automatically applied.