Copy files from computer to run on a X-Box

  • Thread starter Thread starter Soul Bandit
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Soul Bandit

I burned a CD of some music from my computer so my son could play them on
his X-Box. The CD-Rs we made will not run on his X-Box (with the cda file
format) but an audio CD I bought from a store will show up on my computer
(Explorer) with the same cda file format will run on his X-Box. The CD-Rs
will run in a standard CD player just like the store bought audio CD. Why
will the CD-Rs I created not run on his X-Box?
Probably a better forum is since this one is dedicated
to windows XP.

Manny Borges
MCSE NT4-2003 (+ Security)
MCT, Certified Cheese Master

There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who do understand binary
and those who don't.

Since you mentioned the Xbox newsgroup, do you know of any particular
newsgroup a person can post basically general posts in unspecific to any
particular topic? Other than stuff like this?

It is always best if you post to a relevant news group. That is where the
people hang out who are knowledgeable in the field of your inquiry.

You will likely get little help here if you post an Office 2003 question,
but post the same question in the correct Office news group and you will
have the eyes of many "Office" experts.


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!
I completely agree with you on that. I didn't think of a Xbox newsgroup
till some one here already mentioned it, I copied the message and posted it
there and already got a few responses.
I burned a CD of some music from my computer so my son could play them on
his X-Box. The CD-Rs we made will not run on his X-Box (with the cda file
format) but an audio CD I bought from a store will show up on my computer
(Explorer) with the same cda file format will run on his X-Box. The CD-Rs
will run in a standard CD player just like the store bought audio CD. Why
will the CD-Rs I created not run on his X-Box?

Did you finalize the CDs?

Some regular CD players will play CD's that are not finalized but most
will not. If you did not finalize the CDs then that may be what the
problem is.

Also make sure you are using CD-R discs and not CD-RW ones.