Copy file to a different directory ??

This is Mandy (with KDE), right? To do this the GUI way: Unzip it first. I don't remember if there is a "root Dolphin" (aka file manager) entry in menus. If not, open the terminal (Konsole), and do
kdesu dolphin
Now you have the file manager open with root privileges. Don't move the folder, only the content (the .png files). May The Force be with you!

The command line way (assuming you've d-loaded - and unpacked - the stuff onto your desktop):
(root password)
mv /home/abarbiturate/Desktop/KTorrent-Modern-Flags/*.png /usr/share/apps/ktorrent/geoip

(You'll need root privileges because you've moving stuff OUT OF home directory.)

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Urmas said:
This is Mandy (with KDE), right? To do this the GUI way: I don't remember if there is a "root Dolphin" (aka file manager) entry in menus. If not, open the terminal (Konsole), and do
kdesu dolphin
Now you have the file manager open with root privileges. May The Force be with you!

The command line way (assuming you've d-loaded - and unpacked - the stuff onto your desktop):
    mv /home/abarbiturate/Desktop/KTorrent-Modern-Flags/*.png /usr/share/apps/ktorrent/geoip


Command not found !

I can "su" and that gets me root.

"cd" gets me to the directoy.

[root@localhost KTorrent-Modern-Flags]# cp ad.png /usr/share/apps/ktorrent
cp: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/ad.png'? y
[root@localhost KTorrent-Modern-Flags]# /usr/share/apps/ktorrent

That transfers one file ok.

How do I transfer 214 files in one go ???????????????????

I tried all sorts but with no sucess an I'm blowed if I'm doing em one by one.


Dolphin has a nice feature. you can have a terminal at the bottom of it and as you click on folders you automatically cd to them. Rather neat.


ha ha had me PCR page opened but some of it was hidden by dolphin so I missed the last part of your post. I cp instead of mv so I got there sort of. Still need to know how to bulk move ??????



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Command not found? Which command? "kdesu dolphin"? Then try
[i]kdesu dbus[/i]-[i]launch dolphin[/i]
Abarbarian said:
Still need to know how to bulk move ??????


 mv /home/abarbiturate/Desktop/KTorrent-Modern-Flags/*.png /usr/share/apps/ktorrent/geoip

That command is a "bulk move". See the "*.png" wildcard? It moves EVERY .png file from "home/abarbiturate/Desktop/KTorrent-Modern-Flags"

Again, the GUI way: when you have Dolphin open "as root", you can choose all files by "shift+clicking" the first and the last... or look at the options (choose all) under "Edit".
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Urmas said:
Command not found? Which command? "kdesu dolphin"? Then try
[i]kdesu dbus[/i]-[i]launch dolphin[/i]

bash: kdesu: command not found

I go su.

[root@localhost KTorrent-Modern-Flags]# mv /home/abarbaituate/KTorrent-Modern-Flags/*.png /usr/share/apps/ktorrent
mv: cannot stat `/home/abarbaituate/KTorrent-Modern-Flags/*.png': No such file or directory
[root@localhost KTorrent-Modern-Flags]#

Obviously I put in the real thing not abarbituate. :D an it dont work.

However using your tip about ( *.png ) if I put ( cp or mv should work in the same way ? )

[root@localhost KTorrent-Modern-Flags]# cp *.png /usr/share/apps/ktorrent
cp: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/ad.png'? y
cp: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/ae.png'? y
cp: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/ag.png'? y
cp: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/ai.png'? y
cp: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/al.png'? y
cp: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/am.png'? y
cp: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/an.png'? y
cp: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/ao.png'? y
cp: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/aq.png'? y
cp: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/ar.png'?

It sort of works but I have to give it a yes for every file, so that is some progress but not quite what I had in mind :D

[root@localhost KTorrent-Modern-Flags]# mv *.png /usr/share/apps/ktorrent
mv: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/ad.png'? y
mv: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/ae.png'? y
mv: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/ag.png'? y
mv: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/ai.png'? y
mv: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/al.png'? y

mv gives me the same result, so me guess was right about the cp and mv being similar.

So I thought I would give your way another go. It seems I missed out a "space", with the "space" in I get,

[root@localhost KTorrent-Modern-Flags]# cp /home/abarbaituate/KTorrent/KTorrent-Modern-Flags/*.png /usr/share/apps/ktorrent
cp: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/al.png'? y
cp: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/am.png'? y
cp: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/an.png'? y
cp: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/ao.png'? y
cp: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/aq.png'? y
cp: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/ar.png'?

mv gets same result,

[root@localhost KTorrent-Modern-Flags]# mv /home/abarbautuate/KTorrent/KTorrent-Modern-Flags/*.png /usr/share/apps/ktorrent
mv: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/al.png'? y
mv: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/am.png'? y
mv: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/an.png'? y
mv: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/ao.png'? y
mv: overwrite `/usr/share/apps/ktorrent/aq.png'?

So at least I have learnt something but not how to bulk move in just several commands.

Any more ideas ???


Trying to copy or move in the GUI just gets me an acess denied message. Tried it when I'm root or not with a terminal open.
Well I found a solution., used Urmas's idea but I recon it would work with any of the four ways I got to work.

[root@localhost KTorrent-Modern-Flags]# cp -f /home/abarbiturate/KTorrent/KTorrent-Modern-Flags/*.png /usr/share/apps/ktorrent

Notice the " -f " that forced the move and overwrite.

I found this listing and tried to use the option,

Specify how to handle prompt if the destination exists already. Possible values are yes, no, and query.

Both with cp and mv in all sorts of combinations but it never worked.

I have come to the conclusion that unless you are really lucky finding out information that works for a linux problem is harder than picking 6 winning lottery numbers.


... which returns us to "GUI way" of doing things. Run a GUI file manager (Dolphin, Thunar, whatever) with root privileges --> no problem.

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Urmas said:
... which returns us to "GUI way" of doing things. Run a GUI file manager (Dolphin, Thunar, whatever) with root privileges --> no problem.


Thanks for your advice but I have no idea what it means. I spent 7 hours on the net searching yesterday and still did not find any solution.

I tried both of your suggestions,

kdesu dbus-launch dolphin

kdesu dolphin

They both return,

bash: kdesu: command not found

I have tried opening two terminals and cd'ing to the appropriate folders and going root and I am still not able to drag and drop or copy and paste etc etc the gui way.

Once again thanks for the help and advice offerd. Either the Mandriva set up is different to Ubuntu or I'm too stupid to see the simple steps needed to acomplish this simple task. Anyways enough time has been wasted and life is meant for living not banging your head on a brick wall so I'm of to enjoy meself with a piece of modern technology that works. ie : take motorbike , press starter button, ride away into the sunset.

Couldn't be bothered posting this yesterday.


My output,

[abarbiturate@localhost ~]$ kdesu dolphin
bash: kdesu: command not found
[abarbiturate@localhost ~]$ su
[root@localhost abarbiturate]# dolphin
<unknown program name>(32292)/: KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server

<unknown program name>(32291)/: KUniqueApplication: Pipe closed unexpectedly.

[root@localhost abarbiturate]#

Press button, start bike, ride of back to normal life :D


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OK, I get it now... there is a bugaboo in Mandy/Kde 4. A workaround:

I've got konqueror icon on my desktop for running konqueror in filemanager mode with root privileges for when I want to do some graphical file management that requires temporary privileges beyond that of an ordinary user.

I tried to do this with KDE's new file manager, dolphin, but couldn't get it to run properly with root privileges.

Here's how to do it with konqueror: fire up dolphin, go to
/usr/share/applications/kde4 folder, and drag the konquerorsu.desktop icon onto the desktop.

Sorry, mate... using Gnome (and Ubuntu) most of the time, I hadn't come across that one.

Urmas said:
OK, I get it now... there is a bugaboo in Mandy/Kde 4. A workaround:

Sorry, mate... using Gnome (and Ubuntu) most of the time, I hadn't come across that one.


Ta fer taking the time , I know you are a worker and that you use Gnome and Ubuntu so your efforts are appreciated.

Following the woorkarouind you found. I tried it and can only get the "konquerorsu.desktop icon"
to show up in dolphin. It just will not appear on the desktop itself. See pic.

Was going to post a pic of me bike but can't find the one I want and pics aren't posting for some reason. Sod pc's and Linux I'm taking the dog for a walk.



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OK, I think I get it now (hey, I may be dumb, but at least I'm slow):


This is a kde4 feature, not a bug, the kde4 designers want you to use policykit instead of kdesu, nevermind the fact that policykit hasn't been integrated into kde4 yet, they already hid kdesu to some obscure path (something like /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kdesu or something like that), I don't know where exactly and I am not using mdv at the moment either but it is this there...somewhere...
Good Old "it's a feature, not a bug" spiel...

su -
[root passwd]
Terminal throws 1,001 errors at you, but... it works (I tried it in my virtual Mandy).

I really should use KDE(4) more... problem is, Gnome is sooo much better!


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Your the man

It works

How do you find those nuggets ?? I searched and searched but found nowt. Mebees I need some more instruction and knowledge :D I tried searching for " the thingy that roots dolphin " " the stuff to root a dolphin " but got no results
Abarbarian said:
How do you find those nuggets ??
Easy, really... just gotta wait until Mama & Papa Google are sound asleep, and...
