Copy field data to multiple places



Newbi here.... I have a access 07 file of about 1000 records (rows) and a
field (column) I'll call the "project number". All the records do not have
the project number inserted as of yet. Is there a simple means to insert a
project number in say 50 records at a time, another project number in
another 75 records etc. Copy/Paste will do it but may take months to enter.
Any suggestions appreciated. TIA

John W. Vinson

Newbi here.... I have a access 07 file of about 1000 records (rows) and a
field (column) I'll call the "project number". All the records do not have
the project number inserted as of yet. Is there a simple means to insert a
project number in say 50 records at a time, another project number in
another 75 records etc. Copy/Paste will do it but may take months to enter.
Any suggestions appreciated. TIA

If you're making the assumption that a table (like a spreadsheet) even HAS the
concept of "next 50 records" you're On The Wrong Track. A Table is NOT a
spreadsheet and has no defined or usable order! Is there data in this table
already, or are you working with blank placeholder records? Does it matter
WHICH 50 records get the next project number, or is it totally arbitrary?
Context please!


John W. Vinson said:
If you're making the assumption that a table (like a spreadsheet) even HAS
concept of "next 50 records" you're On The Wrong Track. A Table is NOT a
spreadsheet and has no defined or usable order! Is there data in this
already, or are you working with blank placeholder records? Does it matter
WHICH 50 records get the next project number, or is it totally arbitrary?
Context please!

John, there already is data populating the table. The field "project
number" has some entrys filled in, some are blank needing numbers. The
person who originally started this db, either did not take the time to fill
it in or did not know the project number at that time. Of the 1000+
records, there are approximately 200 project numbers assigned. One specific
project number may be scattered throughout the table and the object is to
query the records of a particular project. Sorry if the terminology is not
exactly correct, but hope you understand my task.

John W. Vinson

John, there already is data populating the table. The field "project
number" has some entrys filled in, some are blank needing numbers. The
person who originally started this db, either did not take the time to fill
it in or did not know the project number at that time. Of the 1000+
records, there are approximately 200 project numbers assigned. One specific
project number may be scattered throughout the table and the object is to
query the records of a particular project. Sorry if the terminology is not
exactly correct, but hope you understand my task.

"scattered throughout the table"...

If you had the 1000 projects printed out each on a sheet of paper, would you
be able to shuffle the stack, deal off fifty pages and write in the first
project number you come to?

Or is there information in the table which indicates which project number goes
with which record?

A Update query can do this... but I still do not understand how you ascertain
WHICH project number goes with WHICH record.


A Update query can do this... but I still do not understand how you
WHICH project number goes with WHICH record.

WHICH record gets WHICH project number is a combination of 3 other fields.
Date, Location, Builder. But is not straight forward as some human
intervention still has to be involved. (Their are sub-projects within other
projects) In spite of all of this, I have had some success by EXPORTING the
file into Excel, Filtering, and adding the project number where it has to be
and then IMPORTING it back to Access. I tried Text, PDF/XPS and word to do
this but Excel was by far the easiest.

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