Copy Favicon



Hi everyone

I have XP Pro SP2 IE6 and have visited a number of sites which have a
site-specific icon. I knew that they weren't permanent in Favorites and,
when they disappeared, I decided to do something about it. I downloaded
FavOrg and it worked well to retrieve the favicons, except one. I've not
deleted the cookies and prefer not as I believe that they hold some logon
data which I'd prefer to retain.

I logged on as a different user and checked the site and the site-specific
favicon is displayed.

Two questions:

1. Why isn't the favicon displayed when logged on to Account One but other
favicons are?
2. Can I copy the favicon from the saved favorite when logged to Account
Two to the same saved favorite when logged to Account One?

Thank you.

Jan Il

Hi Tosca :)

Try the following and see if it helps:

Clearing the TIF Cache -
Safely Delete the Temporary Internet Files


Preserve the favicons using AM-Deadlink:

To do this manually:
Download the .ico file:
Visit that site and create a shortcut of it to the Desktop
Right-click the URL shortcut, and Send To > Notepad
Look at the line reading IconFile:
Now, type in the browser window and
save the .ico file locally.
Change the URL icon using the "Change Icon" in it's Properties sheet.

Note: View > Source can also be used to view the favicon URL.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, or you need help with the above,
please post back to this thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
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Jan Il

Hi Tosca :)

Another suggestion is:

You can also try FavInocizer, here: I've used
this and it's quite good,. It will actually find about a third more than
FavOrg does (since it checks for referenced URL's), but lacks some of the
other cababilites of FavOrg, Recommended.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
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that's why they're so contagious.

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