Help with cell function said:
I need to copy this formula into 200 cells. =SUMPRODUCT(--('Consults
Tracking'!N5:N472="x"),--('Consults Tracking'!D5

472="BU- Geropsych"))
How do I copy it to all the cells without it changing?
Well, change the relative references to absolute, to wit:
=SUMPRODUCT(--('Consults Tracking'!$N$5:$N$472="x"),
--('Consults Tracking'!$D$5:$D$472="BU- Geropsych"))
Then copy, select each or all of the 200 cells, and paste. If the 200 cells
are adjacent, you can simply select the first cell and drag it.
Alternatively, it would be more efficient to simply put the original formula
in one cell, say A1, then reference that cell in the other 199 cells, e.g.
But I suspect that is not what you really want. I cannot imagine what
purpose it would serve to have exactly the same formula (and value) of that
nature in 200 cells. I wonder if "x" and/or "BU- Geropsych" should be
relative cell references.