Copy entourage identity between MAC's



I am trying to keep Entourage in Sync between my laptop (ibook 1.25mgh) and
desktop (G4 1.25 mgh dual) over a wireless network. I can only do it
manually, and that only occaisionally works. I close all Office 2004 programs
and quit daemon on each computer, but the database won't copy. If I try to
keep my Documents folders in Sync using a syncing program (Chronosync, etc.)
it skips the Office 2004 idenenties file and syncs eveything else. Since
Entourage is the main data that I need to keep current in both computers I'm
looking for any suggestions.

Douglas J. Steele

I'd suggest asking this in a more appropriate newsgroup (such as or

This newsgroup is for questions about Access, the database product that's
part of Office Professional. Since there is no Mac version of Access, it's
doubtful you'll find many people who can help you here.


Thanks. I'll try there.

Douglas J. Steele said:
I'd suggest asking this in a more appropriate newsgroup (such as or

This newsgroup is for questions about Access, the database product that's
part of Office Professional. Since there is no Mac version of Access, it's
doubtful you'll find many people who can help you here.

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