Copy cells to variable number of rows

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I need to copy a formula (that a macro has entered at W3 & X3) down to the
last row for that particuliar wk. I've figured out how to get the number of
rows for that wk( in this case i=93, i will change for each wk) but can't
figure out the syntax for the Range:

Range("W4: ? ").Select
instead of

Range("W4: ? ").Select


The .filldown didn't seem to work for me (likely something in the way I set
things up) but when I put Select in its place it worked just the way I
wanted. Thanks for the help. Do you know of a good book or class that help
me getting better at writing Macros?
I haven't the experience with many Excel books in the last 5 years. Some
people here have recommended John Walkenbach's books. You can read reviews
at Amazon on Excel VBA books - there are lots of books to choose from.
Duke - How can I do the same where W4 will always be variable. I've based the
formula to find last active cell using another row, but I'm not sure how to
make the formula in the last active cell to copy to the end last active cell
based on the other row.

Dim LastRow as long
dim TopCell as range
with worksheets("sheetnamehere")
set topcell = .range("W4") 'or however you set that variable
'I used column X to get that last row
lastrow = .cells(.rows.count,"X").end(xlup).row
end with