copy cell color but not conditional format equations

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill Roberts
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Bill Roberts

Following is highly abridged code from Bernie Deitrick regarding copying Type
2 conditional formats. Column C is formatted yellow if A1>B1, etc. There
are 10 rows. I want to copy the cell color (but not the format equations) to
column D. But the line
bCheck = Application.Evaluate(c.FormatConditions.Item(k).Formula1)
always returns Bcheck=True, then myRet is set to 1, and every cell in column
D is colored (even where the condition is not true). I think I need another
IF statement to check if the conditional format is true (and the cell is
colored), but I can’t get anything to work. TIA
Option Explicit
Dim R1 As Range
Dim R2 As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim Sel As Range
Dim myRet As Variant
Dim bCheck As Boolean
Sub CopyCFFormatsA()
Set Sel = Selection
Set R1 = Range("c1:c10")
Set R2 = Range("d1:d10")
j = 1
Application.EnableEvents = False
For i = 1 To R1.Rows.Count
R1.Cells(i, j).Select
myRet = CheckFormat(R1.Cells(i, j))
If myRet = False Then GoTo NoCF
If myRet = "None" Then GoTo NoCF
R2.Cells(i, j).Interior.colorindex = _
R1.Cells(i, j).FormatConditions(myRet).Interior.colorindex
Next i
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Function CheckFormat(c As Range) As Variant
CheckFormat = "None"
For k = 1 To c.FormatConditions.Count
bCheck = Application.Evaluate(c.FormatConditions.Item(k).Formula1)
If bCheck Then
CheckFormat = k
bCheck = False
Exit Function
End If
Next k
CheckFormat = "None"
End Function

I didn't have time today to find an Excel 2007 machine. What do you get if
you add the line

Msgbox c.FormatConditions.Item(k).Formula1
right before the line
bCheck = Application.Evaluate(c.FormatConditions.Item(k).Formula1)


Of course, you will get a message for each cell, so only select enough cells
to see what is going on.

Great suggestion, Bernie. The message box always returns "=A1>B1",
regardless of the cell, so although the conditional formatting does not color
some cells (condition not true), the macro only and always looks at the
condition of the first cell. I am only working with 10 cells so stepping is
not a big problem.
I didn't think about the message box as a diagnostic tool. I will work on
this some more but would very much appreciate your thoughts.