I have about 3 GBytes of picture files that I keep in my Pictures directory.
I sometimes copy them all to a USB 'memory stick' partly as a backup &
partly to use them on other computers. It takes quite awhile to copy &
overwrite them all. I would like to copy/overwrite only those files which
have been edited, or which are new.
Should I be using some sort of advanced copy command, or should I be looking
at the backup options, or perhaps the 'briefcase' (which I have never tried)
I have Vista home premium
I have about 3 GBytes of picture files that I keep in my Pictures directory.
I sometimes copy them all to a USB 'memory stick' partly as a backup &
partly to use them on other computers. It takes quite awhile to copy &
overwrite them all. I would like to copy/overwrite only those files which
have been edited, or which are new.
Should I be using some sort of advanced copy command, or should I be looking
at the backup options, or perhaps the 'briefcase' (which I have never tried)
I have Vista home premium