copy and paste to new sht in one col

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The below listed code
sheet1 macro copies from one sheet and then paste exact on sheet2 by column
How can I force the paste action to be in col A? each paste in col A

Sub aaaaa(
mysf = "xxx
myst = "yyyyy
For myrow = 11 To 15 Step
For mycol = 3 To 33 Step
myval = Sheets(mysf).Range("a1").Offset(myrow - 1, mycol - 1).Valu
If myval = "yes" The
Sheets(myst).Range("a1").Offset(myrow - 9, mycol - 3).Value = Sheets(mysf).Range("a1").Offset(myrow - 1, mycol - 1).Valu
End I
Next myco
Next myro
End Su

first just try removing the offset. But, that will always be cell A1. So
where in col A do you want it? If the next avail row then you have to
qualify it.
Sheets(myst).Range("a1").Offset(myrow - 9, mycol - 3).Value

Sheets(myst).Range("a" & x).Value
Don Guillett
SalesAid Software
(e-mail address removed)
rozb said:
The below listed code :
sheet1 macro copies from one sheet and then paste exact on sheet2 by column.
How can I force the paste action to be in col A? each paste in col A?

Sub aaaaa()
mysf = "xxx"
myst = "yyyyy"
For myrow = 11 To 15 Step 1
For mycol = 3 To 33 Step 1
myval = Sheets(mysf).Range("a1").Offset(myrow - 1, mycol - 1).Value
If myval = "yes" Then
Sheets(myst).Range("a1").Offset(myrow - 9, mycol - 3).Value =
Sheets(mysf).Range("a1").Offset(myrow - 1, mycol - 1).Value
Thank you Don
Will try it
Found a funny workaround by accident. and it works. Still trying to break it

Thanks again as always for you coaching

Public Sub CheckProductTypePaste(
mysl = "Select
myselt = "SelectSummary
x =
For myrow = 11 To 15 Step
For mycol = 3 To 33 Step
myval = Sheets(mysl).Range("a1").Offset(myrow - 1, mycol - 1).Valu
If myval <> isblank The
Sheets(myselt).Range("A" & x).Value = Sheets(mysl).Range("a1").Offset(myrow - 1, mycol - 1).Valu
End I
Application.CutCopyMode = Fals
x = x +
Next myco
Next myro
End Su

----- Don Guillett wrote: ----

first just try removing the offset. But, that will always be cell A1. S
where in col A do you want it? If the next avail row then you have t
qualify it
Sheets(myst).Range("a1").Offset(myrow - 9, mycol - 3).Valu

Sheets(myst).Range("a" & x).Valu
Don Guillet
SalesAid Softwar
(e-mail address removed)
rozb said:
The below listed code
sheet1 macro copies from one sheet and then paste exact on sheet2 b column
How can I force the paste action to be in col A? each paste in col A
mysf = "xxx
myst = "yyyyy
For myrow = 11 To 15 Step
For mycol = 3 To 33 Step
myval = Sheets(mysf).Range("a1").Offset(myrow - 1, mycol - 1).Valu
If myval = "yes" The
Sheets(myst).Range("a1").Offset(myrow - 9, mycol - 3).Value
Sheets(mysf).Range("a1").Offset(myrow - 1, mycol - 1).Valu