Copy all formats and objects

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Learning VBA

Currently I am using this code to copy Text Boxes to a group of worksheets.
What I would like to do is Remove any and all objects and formats including
CF from the sheets first and then Copy Any and all Objects as well as
Formats including CF from the master worksheet (MstrWks) to all the other
sheets in the range.
The objects may be TextBoxes or Command Buttons, The formats would be Cell
width, row height, Cell colors, Number and text formats as well as any
conditional formats.

I received this code from here several months ago and after a few changes
that I made it works perfectly except when I change a textbox I first have
to remove all boxes from all the sheets except the mastersheet.

Sub Copy_All_Text_Boxes()

Dim iCtr As Long
Dim MstrWks As Worksheet
Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim TB As TextBox
Dim NewTB As TextBox
Dim strSH As String

Set MstrWks = Worksheets("01") '-- the worksheet with the correct Formats
and objects.

For iCtr = 1 To 33
Set wks = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set wks = Worksheets(Format(iCtr, "00"))
On Error GoTo 0

If wks Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "worksheets: " & Format(iCtr, "00") & " doesn't exist!"
If wks.Name = MstrWks.Name Then
'skip it
For Each TB In MstrWks.TextBoxes
Set NewTB = wks.TextBoxes(wks.TextBoxes.Count)
With NewTB
.Top = TB.Top
.Left = TB.Left
'these two probably aren't necessary
.Width = TB.Width
.Height = TB.Height
End With
Next TB
End If
End If
Next iCtr
End Sub
It may be easier to just copy the master sheet as a whole.

Delete the existing sheet (01, 02, ...) and just copy that master sheet. You
may have to tweak the new sheet (remove stuff you don't want, add a bit that you
do), but it may turn out to be easier than doing all that other stuff.

dim NewWks as worksheet
dim iCtr as long

set mstrwks = Worksheets("01")

for ictr = 2 to 33 'skip the master sheet
on error resume next
application.displayalerts = false
worksheets(format(ictr, "00")).delete
application.displayalerts = true
on error goto 0

mstrwks.copy _
after:=sheets(sheets.count) = format(ictr, "00")

'clean up anything that you don't want here

next ictr

(Uncompiled. Untested. Watch for typos.)
The problem with doing that is that every sheet has formulas that reference
the sheet(s) before it. There are about 200 formulas on each sheet that
calls data from previous sheet(s). I wouldn't think I would have to delete
the formats except for the conditional formats, just the objects and a copy
of the format would overwrite whatever formats that were set.
You can loop through shapes just like you looped through those textboxes.

Dim myShape as shape
for each myshape in mstrwks.shapes

As for the conditional formatting, I'd try recording a macro when I did it