copy a whole web page

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ganesh
  • Start date Start date


Hi There,

is there anyway to copy the whole window including the hidden part of the
widnow, if want to save any page from web as image, i've to scroll down
until i get the whole page. I do it couple of times depends the page size.

any tool available to take a copy of whold page

Internet Explorer has a save-as feature from the File menu at the top left
of the page.

If you save as "web page complete" you will get a file, a directory with the
same name as the file, and a lot of little files inside that directory.
Just double-click the main file and the local copy of the webpage should
appear in internet explorer.

However, you might prefer saving as "web archive, single file". I find
these easier to manage.

Note that I have have encountered a few (very few) web pages that could not
be saved in this fashion.
Hi There,

is there anyway to copy the whole window including the hidden part of the
widnow, if want to save any page from web as image, i've to scroll down
until i get the whole page. I do it couple of times depends the page size.

any tool available to take a copy of whold page

Ctrl-A (selects All), followed by Ctrl-C (Copy).

Then Ctrl-V to paste it wherever you want it.
[Ganesh] wrote-:
Hi There,

is there anyway to copy the whole window including the hidden part of the
widnow, if want to save any page from web as image, i've to scroll down
until i get the whole page. I do it couple of times depends the page size.

any tool available to take a copy of whold page

Yes. In IE7, you can add Save as image feature by installing IE7pro addon :

Good Luck, Ayush.