Hi Brad,
Of course this can be done.
It's not too easy, because you have to run a recursive routine to get all
the subs and the files they contain.
I wrote several routines in an effort to use this concept to save .net
solutions in order to provide backup copies, which I now use all the time.
I won't bore you with all the details; instead, below is the code that
makes it happen, which I'm sure you'll be able to follow along and work
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Public selectedsubs As New ArrayList()
Public subs2 As New ArrayList()
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim dirinfo As New DirectoryInfo("c:\vsapps\")
For Each dirinfo In dirinfo.GetDirectories()
End Sub
Private Sub saveit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles saveit.Click
Dim dirsys As Directory
Dim copytopath As String
Dim dirfullpath As String
Dim solselectionsarray As String
Dim mdirectory As DirectoryInfo
Dim mfile As FileInfo
Dim dfile As File()
Dim destinationfile As String
Dim solutionsboxfp As New ArrayList()
Dim shortstring, stringfront As String
Dim i, j, startpos As Integer
Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
For Each solselectionsarray In solutionsbox.CheckedItems
selectedsubs.Add("c:\vsapps\" & solselectionsarray)
For i = 0 To selectedsubs.Count - 1
mdirectory = New DirectoryInfo(selectedsubs(i))
For j = 0 To subs2.Count - 1
mdirectory = New DirectoryInfo(subs2(j))
startpos = InStrRev(mdirectory.FullName, "\")
shortstring = Mid(mdirectory.FullName, startpos + 1)
stringfront = Mid(mdirectory.FullName, 11)
If dirsys.Exists("c:\dotnetsource\" & stringfront) Then
dirsys.CreateDirectory("c:\dotnetsource\" & stringfront)
End If
For Each mfile In mdirectory.GetFiles
destinationfile = "c:\dotnetsource\" & stringfront & "\" & mfile.Name
File.Copy(mfile.FullName, destinationfile, True)
Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
End Sub
Sub listdirectories(ByVal thedirectory As DirectoryInfo)
Dim tempdir As DirectoryInfo
For Each tempdir In thedirectory.GetDirectories()
End Sub
End Class
Bernie Yaeger
Brad said:
I have been working on a class that moves files around and have come to a
need to move an entire directory at one time. I thought that this would be
really simple (some kind of CopyDirectory command) but no such luck. How can
you move a Folder/Directory in vb.net?