Maybe that is another possible idea. I'll try once more to explain what I
want. I have a certain structure in a DB with one parent row and several
child rows, this structure is the data for a form in the user interface. If
one could view that record structure as a word document I want a
functionality just like "Save As", to save the document to a new file, but
with a different filename. In other words I want to duplicate a certain
related structure of data in the database. The only thing that must be
changed is the primary key of the parent record and the related table(s)
foreign key (in a .NET dataset, it's ParentRow property must be set to the
correct parent row). The child row(s) primary key must also be new values of
I hope this cleared things up, I have a hard time explaining it better.
Ritesh Jain via said:
I don't know what exactly u want to achieved but it would be better if u
tell me why can't u used that same dataset to save the Rows in it has all the Row state in tag.........??