Copy a datacolumn - Most code done, Missing one thing though....

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cade Carvell
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Cade Carvell

I am trying to copy a datacolumn from a good table, and append it to
an incoming table that needs to be modified. This incoming table has
data, and I would rather not copy each property one by one, Is thier a
way to get the propertyinfo stuff to work were I can read the property
of a datacolumn, and set it on a new datacolumn...Here is were I am at
in Code:
If Not (TBL.Columns.Contains(DC.ColumnName)) Then
Dim DCNEW As New DataColumn
Dim T As Type
T = DC.GetType
Dim Pi As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
For Each Pi In
T.GetProperties(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public Or
Dim result As Object
If Pi.CanWrite Then
result = Pi.GetValue(DC,
System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public Or
Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance Or Reflection.BindingFlags.GetProperty,
Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
'********Now that I havge the result, how do I get it
back into the new datacolumn?
Debug.WriteLine(Pi.Name & " = " & "Can't get Value")
End Try
End If
End If

Thanks to anyone who can help me with this.

I found a work around. What it was is that if the second table is
missing some datacolumns based on the first table, I want it to add the
missing data columns in, using all formatting data from the first table.
I ended up working on a PRoperty walker that created the new
datacolumn, and copied attributes (shallow copy) of the datacolumn I
wanted to add to the second table.
