Think it's not possible to paste transpose and link via paste special,
but we can use TRANSPOSE()
Perhaps try the example set-up below to get the hang of using TRANSPOSE()?
Assuming the source range
is in Sheet1, in A1:A3 (ie a 3R x 1C grid)
In Sheet2
Select the destination range for the tranpose
say A1:C3 (destination range must be the "converse", i.e. a 1R x 3C grid)
With A1:C3 selected,
put in the *formula bar*: =TRANSPOSE(Sheet1!A1:A3)
Array-enter the formula, i.e.:
Hold down CTRL + SHIFT, press ENTER
(instead of just pressing ENTER)
Done correctly, Execl will wrap curly braces around the formula,
Don't type-in the curly braces yourself!
The same formula {=TRANSPOSE(Sheet1!A1:A3)}will appear
in each of the cells in A1:C3
Now, any changes in the source range A1:A3 in Sheet1 will be auto-reflected
(i.e. "linked") in the transposed destination range A1:C3 in Sheet2