copied .pst files not visible for opening in the navigation pane



I've copied and moved my Outlook 2003 .pst files from laptop to desktop via
an ethernet connection between the two computers. Have verified that the data
files are in the correct location on the desktop computer. Have recreated my
email accounts on the desktop computer. However when I try to open the
relocated .pst files, they do not show up in the navigation pane, so I am
unable to access them. Please help.


Hi, I checked the link you supplied but could not find information addressing
my specif problem. Would appreciate any other suggestions... thank you.

Roady said:
Use File-> Open-> Outlook Data File...

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

bkkiran said:
I've copied and moved my Outlook 2003 .pst files from laptop to desktop
an ethernet connection between the two computers. Have verified that the
files are in the correct location on the desktop computer. Have recreated
email accounts on the desktop computer. However when I try to open the
relocated .pst files, they do not show up in the navigation pane, so I am
unable to access them. Please help.

Roady [MVP]

What part is confusing in "Use File-> Open-> Outlook Data File..."?

That is the way how you connect pst-files to your mail profile so that they
show up in the Navigation Pane.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

bkkiran said:
Hi, I checked the link you supplied but could not find information
my specif problem. Would appreciate any other suggestions... thank you.

Roady said:
Use File-> Open-> Outlook Data File...

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

bkkiran said:
I've copied and moved my Outlook 2003 .pst files from laptop to desktop
an ethernet connection between the two computers. Have verified that
files are in the correct location on the desktop computer. Have
email accounts on the desktop computer. However when I try to open the
relocated .pst files, they do not show up in the navigation pane, so I
unable to access them. Please help.


Hi Roady,

That part is not confusing. I do exactly that! "Use File-> Open-> Outlook
Data File..." But only the 4 new pst files that the recently installed
outlook created are visible in the folder, even though in windows explorer,
all the copied files are also visible.

I've checked the files and they are not 'read only'... Not sure why they
don't show up. Any idea?

Roady said:
What part is confusing in "Use File-> Open-> Outlook Data File..."?

That is the way how you connect pst-files to your mail profile so that they
show up in the Navigation Pane.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

bkkiran said:
Hi, I checked the link you supplied but could not find information
my specif problem. Would appreciate any other suggestions... thank you.

Roady said:
Use File-> Open-> Outlook Data File...

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
Outlook FAQ, HowTo, Downloads, Add-Ins and more

I've copied and moved my Outlook 2003 .pst files from laptop to desktop
an ethernet connection between the two computers. Have verified that
files are in the correct location on the desktop computer. Have
email accounts on the desktop computer. However when I try to open the
relocated .pst files, they do not show up in the navigation pane, so I
unable to access them. Please help.


Hi Roady,
I just discovered my error. I had copied the files into the Outlook file
under user name/Application Data/microsoft/outlook instead of going to
username/local settings/application data/microsoft/outlook.

Thanks for taking the time to try and help. All the best!

Roady said:
What part is confusing in "Use File-> Open-> Outlook Data File..."?

That is the way how you connect pst-files to your mail profile so that they
show up in the Navigation Pane.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

bkkiran said:
Hi, I checked the link you supplied but could not find information
my specif problem. Would appreciate any other suggestions... thank you.

Roady said:
Use File-> Open-> Outlook Data File...

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
Outlook FAQ, HowTo, Downloads, Add-Ins and more

I've copied and moved my Outlook 2003 .pst files from laptop to desktop
an ethernet connection between the two computers. Have verified that
files are in the correct location on the desktop computer. Have
email accounts on the desktop computer. However when I try to open the
relocated .pst files, they do not show up in the navigation pane, so I
unable to access them. Please help.

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