Andrew Diamond
I've used both to index my disks. The google desktop just gives you a list
of files in the browser with hyperlinks. It gives back a laundry list of
hits that can be as long and as impractical as any google search.
Copernic desktop gives you the ability to search files vs email, etc. and
allows you to use full boolean operations (and, or, not, paranthesis - much
more powerful than google), allows you to specify file filters, have
explorer right click shell menus on the items, a preview pane, sort the list
of files by type, date, folder.
This isn't just a feature count. Simply put, I've found Google Desktop to
be pretty useless but Copernic Desktop has proved very useful.
Copernic Desktop does seem to have its faults: It ocassionally crashes
(well, at least for me). It doesn't happen very often. Oddly enough, much
to my surprise, that's not such a big deal. You just start it up again - no
harm, no lost work, so no big deal. It seems to start up wherever it was
when it crashed.
I just used it this morning to find some word perfect attachment that was
sent to me in an email Typed a word a bang the search was done out of 100GB
of used disk. Sorted by file type and there it was. Clicked on it and saw
it in a preview pane. I love it.
of files in the browser with hyperlinks. It gives back a laundry list of
hits that can be as long and as impractical as any google search.
Copernic desktop gives you the ability to search files vs email, etc. and
allows you to use full boolean operations (and, or, not, paranthesis - much
more powerful than google), allows you to specify file filters, have
explorer right click shell menus on the items, a preview pane, sort the list
of files by type, date, folder.
This isn't just a feature count. Simply put, I've found Google Desktop to
be pretty useless but Copernic Desktop has proved very useful.
Copernic Desktop does seem to have its faults: It ocassionally crashes
(well, at least for me). It doesn't happen very often. Oddly enough, much
to my surprise, that's not such a big deal. You just start it up again - no
harm, no lost work, so no big deal. It seems to start up wherever it was
when it crashed.
I just used it this morning to find some word perfect attachment that was
sent to me in an email Typed a word a bang the search was done out of 100GB
of used disk. Sorted by file type and there it was. Clicked on it and saw
it in a preview pane. I love it.