buddy of mine obviously caught a version of coolwebsearch
that's not recognized by the tool. Looks like the blank
start page 'about:blank' is kind of replaced with the
coolwebsearch mess
periodic pop-ups and no way to change start page in IE,
always ending up on some strange search page for all the
stuff you may not really need
tried other means/tools/utils but looks like this version
is really sticky
any chance to get this covered ?
that's not recognized by the tool. Looks like the blank
start page 'about:blank' is kind of replaced with the
coolwebsearch mess
periodic pop-ups and no way to change start page in IE,
always ending up on some strange search page for all the
stuff you may not really need
tried other means/tools/utils but looks like this version
is really sticky
any chance to get this covered ?