Seeing this post with mentioning ATITOOL, i tried it out.
It checked my 3dProphet8500LE card (64mb) from hercules, and it overclocked
the core from 250 to 302MHz, stable! and with NO artifacts !
However, the ram could not be clocked over 258MHz, without artifacts.
Is there any way i can add CHEAP but effective cooling to rams? I do have a
lot of older cpu-coolers laying around.. maybe use them?
Seeing this post with mentioning ATITOOL, i tried it out.
It checked my 3dProphet8500LE card (64mb) from hercules, and it overclocked
the core from 250 to 302MHz, stable! and with NO artifacts !
However, the ram could not be clocked over 258MHz, without artifacts.
Is there any way i can add CHEAP but effective cooling to rams? I do have a
lot of older cpu-coolers laying around.. maybe use them?