cooling problems

Jul 15, 2005
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hello i have a AMD X2 dual 4200+ and i hav the cpu fan/heatsink that came standard with it. lately ive been playing counter strike and i get a bunch of lag spikes. someone suggested it might be overheating. while i play i noticed it goes about 47C (CPU Temp) and 50C (MB Temp)

i also have 3 case fans. is it possible to update the cpu cooler to a better one? if so what do u guys recomend?

**edit** sry forgot to mention i have a ASUS A8N-Sli Premium of 939 socket
are you sure that whatever monitor you are using has that right? 47c in gaming isn;t that bad for the cpu, but 50c for the mobo is horrible! overheating usually crashes you out, not lags, when its cpu related. if the mobo has a cooloing fan on the chipset, be sure that's working. also be sure you 3 case fans are are doing the right thing, assuming 2 in front and 1 in back, usually have the front blowing in and the rear blowing out, same as the psu....
The PIB cooler is more than sufficient.

Maybe you have a load of spyware running in the background? :(

Are you using and onboard LAN controller or separate card?

As asked are fans functioning properly? Silly question you may ask, however I recently saw that I had connected my CPU fan to a case fan connector in one of my other systems DOH!

Do you have a virus/defragger scanner running in background at certain times you play?
If your really worried then i suggest that you grab a aftermarket CPU cooler, like a Zalman, Thermaltake, Coolermaster, Etc.
no i just reformated my pc so i have nothing in the background and no spyware or anything. i am pretty sure its my HDD now because i am using this cheap old 120GB HDD maxtor i believe IDE becasue my SATA HDD died on me. the games worked perfectly on my SATA and have been getting these probs with the IDE. but it was fine when i first put the IDE in like a month ago. but i did order a new SATA and i wuld like to c if this is the problem. also its not my network adapter im using gigabit stock on mobo and also not GFX card cuz i have nice nvidia 6800GT 256mb. i also have 2GB ram.

the game mainly lags on me like i get frozen in a possition then i respond somewhere wlese, its not inet lag cuz i can tell the difference. also ping is excellent in game. but everyonce inwhile the game does crash but last time i remembered it was right when i booted up my comp so i doubt it was overheating.
thx for your posts
once i get my hdd and it still has the problems i will respond. what else do u guys think it culd be?
have you overclocked anything? If you have, clock it down to standard speeds.
does anyone know if having the HDD set as a slave or master will cause these problems?
I know someone that used to have problems when playing Hlflife years ago.

He resolved it by putting his CD-R on a separate channel to what his main hard drive was on. Seemed there was a bit of a battle goin on as the game tryed to acccess the CD and HDD at the same time. Altho I never understood why it worked.

He put his CD-R on Secondary Slave
ooo i just went into my BIOS settings and found out that my HDD is 1st primary slave and my CD-r and my 2nd seconday master. 2 diff things though. i think CD-R is fine cuz it has its seperate thing but u think the HDD should be in master? if i shuld do that than can i just switch the IDE cable to the other opening and can i still access WinXP without formatting and installing XP again or can it just work like that?

thx i think we might have actually found somethnig!
Not worth moving IDE cable.

Your Main drive should be Primary Master. Change your jumper settings on Hard drive to Master using the jumper on the back.

Then if u want also change you drive settings on the CD-r aswell to either Secondary Master or Secondary Slave. depending on how many drives you have on that channel. You wont need to install XP again hopefully that should fix the problem. Although you may have to reinstall some drivers again. Try it anyway.

Let us knw, and be careful ;)
hey is there a tut on the jumpers? i never heard about them? also i only have one all in one drive so im gonna put cdr as master for secondary. so i make the HDD prmary master right?
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Hmmm they are labelled mate. All on drives top and sometime near rear where you see jumper small markings like:

MA - Master

SL = Slave

CS = Cable Select

All definitions change from drive to drive however here is a PDF doc for Western digital settings.'hard drive jumper settings'

You will need Adobe Acrobat installed to see it.

Remember different manufacturers use different settings but they all basically mean the same thing
k thx i did it perfectly, saw that HDD was primary master, CDR is seconday master

go into a game and it STILL DOES IT! now what? should i jsut wait for my HDD?
Yes set the hdd as primary master on ide 1. there should be a label on the drive. I beleive no jumpers is cable select for maxtors. if you use cable select, you must be on the correct plug on the cable. if you set the jumper, it doesn't matter. (better to set the jumper, since not all 80 wire ide cables have cable select implemented correctly.)
i jsut switched the ide cable and worked perfectly, i get lag about every minute in the game from onc it is loaded. this never happened before even with this hard drive. all my games seem to be fine also, but this problem also happened before i formatted my pc. i am getting my HDD today so ill c how it goes. thx for replys