Coolest thing you'll see today - literally!

Fantastic Ian, got one set as my background :D , wonder if you went fishing could you catch fish fingers or just box the fish and sell them at the local market .
can you imagine selling anti freeze in a shop there , wow would make a fortune ;)

Cool Man.

Simply Incredible! I actually felt cold looking at those images :eek:
I've felt cold since i came back from gibralter on sunday now i feel so much warmer seeing those photos they are fab!!!!:wave:
some of those look a bit suspicious but theres too many so they must be real

great find ian :thumb:, that is are really amazing how the ice forms like that
WOW thats all i can say.....Love the Benches and the Scooby Van completely covered in ice....if their real then they are some superb images.....fantastic Ian and a bloody good find mate....Gonna show these to some colleagues at work...:D :nod: