Cooler Master Keyboard LEDs not working


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Hubby and I both use Cooler Master Quickfire mechanical keyboards, with MX Brown Switches. Like this one. They're backlit (which is helpful, because our computer room is in a bit of shadow, before the sun comes around.)

Anyway, this morning, hubby's keyboard is refusing to light up. Using the controls (i.e., Fn then F1, which should turn the leds on or off) only lights the WASD keys.

I have tried un-plugging the USB cable (several times) but no joy when it is plugged-in again. I have also re-booted that PC, (with the keyboard's USB in place, and also with it un-plugged) but once again, no joy.

It was working fine before we closed-down at around 1 AM, but right now, I am just flummoxed, and wondered whether anyone would have any further ideas that I might try? (Naturally, I have checked around first, at the CoolerMaster website, and Mr Google/YouTube, etc.) I know that leds can fail, but it's a bit hard to think that the whole lot - apart from WASD - would have all failed at once(?)

Very occasionally, this has happened in the past, to my own keyboard, but the leds have always returned when I hit the Fn and F1 keys.

Thanks for reading, and for any helpful suggestions you might have. :D
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Does it rely on any control software on the PC? If so, what happens if you swap the keyboards around?

I wonder if it's a hardware fault :(. Is it still in warranty?
Many thanks for your reply Ian. :)

I just tried swapping the keyboards (duh! didn't think of that earlier lol) however, my keyboard works just fine in hubby's PC, whereas his keyboard exhibits the same "fault" when plugged into my PC.

Hmm, that's looking like a fault with the keyboard itself, isn't it.

Just checked and we have actually had both keyboards for 4 years :eek: so they are now 2 years out of warranty. The odd thing though, is that my keyboard receives much more wear and tear. It is used for gaming, typing, etc., whereas his is only used for typing Google searches, etc.

I guess the only thing left to try would be a good vacuuming, in case one of the cats has caused a bit of sabbotage (I can see a few tell-tale cat hairs amongst the switches when I look closely!)
I don't belieeeeve it!

After writing my previous post, I decided to poke some keys again... as one does! lol Anyhoo, although the key combo is supposed to be Alt, then F1, to switch leds on and off, I happened to press F1 and F4 together and voilá! The leds instantly came on again. Yay!

Not sure why this worked, but it did, so am happily reporting the "fix" :thumb:

Thank you again for your help @Ian. As always, it was much appreciated. :)
Glad to see you sorted it TC, I use the same keyboard with my main computer and my keys do this:

Fn + : F1 - Turns all leds on and off; F2 - Lowers brightness; F3 - Increases brightness; F4 - Turns on/off all leds except WASD; Fn + F1 + F4 - performs the same as F1 on its own - turns all on and off.

Probably won't hep but I thought you might be interested.
Thank you @floppybootstomp, I appreciate your input. :)

Yes, those F keys also work in that manner on my keyboard - and on hubby's previously. I still have no clue about why it "glitched" like that, but seems to still be working perfectly.

Oddly enough, mine seemed dead when I booted-up this morning, but came back to life again when I removed, then replaced the USB plug.

I think it's a plot! Gremlins in the system :lol:
99% of 'breakdowns' occur in the manner you described. Everything working as expected one day, buggered the next.

This was an Information Broadcast.
