I currently have a Bytecc BT-204A hub. It's a powered USB 2.0 hub
with a separate power adapter and it gets really hot even with no USB
devices plugged into it. It's not hot enough to burn someone, but it
gets as hot as those chemical hand warmer packs that they sell in
hardware stores in the winter.
I was wondering if this was normal for a powered hub and if anyone
knows of a powered USB 2.0 hub that's a little more energy efficient.
That is, a hub that doesn't heat up as much or perhaps only heats up
when a device is plugged in and drawing power.
with a separate power adapter and it gets really hot even with no USB
devices plugged into it. It's not hot enough to burn someone, but it
gets as hot as those chemical hand warmer packs that they sell in
hardware stores in the winter.
I was wondering if this was normal for a powered hub and if anyone
knows of a powered USB 2.0 hub that's a little more energy efficient.
That is, a hub that doesn't heat up as much or perhaps only heats up
when a device is plugged in and drawing power.